Archive: June, 2024

June 28, 2024

Private Credit and the demographic tailwind

By David Buckland

  In this week’s video insight, I discuss the Baby Boomers looming retirement, and the importance of ensuring financial stability. With rising property costs and the need to replace lost income, finding reliable investments is essential. I highlight private credit as an option, offering the potential for returns with lower volatility.
June 26, 2024

Seven global companies with bright prospects  

By Roger Montgomery

Since the beginning of the year, the Polen Global Growth Fund has traded, or adjusted positions in, a number of portfolio holdings and as some of the names are those you are likely familiar with, Polen Capital thought it would be more than a little interesting to shed some light on the reason for the changes.
June 18, 2024

The future of ageing: Medtech solutions for a healthier tomorrow 

By Damon Ficklin

Explore the investment opportunities presented by high-quality, growth businesses poised to capitalise on the global, secular shift of an ageing population.   Polen Capital’s International Growth team highlights the potential within the medtech sector driven by a rapidly ageing global demographic.
June 7, 2024

Fast food profits 

By Roger Montgomery

I have previously written here that one of the most repeatable ways to make money on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) is to buy into a retail store rollout story early.
June 4, 2024

Monetary policy meeting minutes

By Brett Craig

The monthly consumer price index (CPI) indicator released last week reported a 3. 6 per cent increase in the 12 months to April. This follows the 3. 5 per cent increase reported in March. We have seen relative stability in the rate of inflation since December 2023, albeit with slight upticks reported in the past two months.


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