Investing in the next phase of artificial intelligence

In recent years, very few developments have captured investors’ imagination and curiosity as much as the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Explore the transformative impact of AI and the investment opportunities it presents across various sectors globally in Polen Capital’s latest whitepaper. 

Key insights include: 

  • AI is projected to have a transformative impact across nearly every industry in the coming years. Despite the immense long-term market potential, the direction and pace of AI’s evolution are uncertain.  
  • AI is expected to remain a dominant investment theme, but it is too early to determine long-term winners and losers due to many significant challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.  
  • The next phase of AI opportunities is likely to broaden and include innovative companies beyond the tech sector. Additionally, there are promising opportunities outside the U.S., particularly in Europe and Asia, where valuations are more attractive.  
  • With current momentum dominating equity markets and stretched valuations in certain areas, there is a possibility of volatility during the second half of the year.  

Download the full whitepaper here: Investing in the Next Phase of Artificial Intelligence 


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