Navigating plunging markets through this pandemic


With the coronavirus officially being declared a pandemic we bring you this special edition of our video insight discussing how we are handling current market conditions at Montgomery. Today the first order concern is the impact of the virus on populations, the second is the consequences of containment efforts on economic growth, and third are the consequences of protracted lockdowns on the cash flows of businesses.

Importantly you should know that we see market volatility as entirely normal.  What hasn’t been normal is the ultra low volatility over the last couple of years.  While other investors have been lulled into its stupor we’ve never been comfortable.  Importantly, our analysis shows that we have tended to out perform many of our peers in challenging markets.

“And challenging markets is something I personally expect to see more of. Avoiding substantial declines is especially important for those reliant on their investments to fund their retirement. And right now, navigating volatility should be at the front of everyone’s mind.” Roger Montgomery

We encourage you to call or email us and we invite you to consider adding to your investment with us.  Historically these periods are rare and they can be brief so if you are in a position to add to your investment or would like to discuss it we encourage you to begin the conversation with us, and my colleagues.  We can be reached on 02 8046 5000.


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